50 years back Utpal Dutta wrote the play wherein events took
place in Germany during turbulent days of 1932-33. Play evolved with the murder
of a widely respected social reformer and confusion created regarding the
identity of the killer.
50 years after, we fictionalise a similar event in present
day India using Utpal Dutt’s dramaturgy.
An honest police officer Basanta Karmakar was investigating
a bomb blast case that killed six persons on spot. In our play the events
unfold through TV channel by news anchor Pranab Goswami on studio and ground
reporter hari Rakshit on field. We observe that the outcome of the ongoing
investigation is very much unsettling to major section of the ruling class and
they want removal of the Officer Karmakar from the bomb blast investigation and
release of arrested influential individuals. On the fateful night we followed
every step of officer Karmakar starting from submitting evidences against
accused persons in the court to his hasty exit to a call to combat terrorists
that were infesting throughout the city with their terror acts killing hundreds
of innocent people. Finally, the breaking news came. Officer Karmakar is killed
in the ambush by the terrorists of foreign origin.
However, ground reporter Hari Rakshit is puzzled and in
doubt. He tries to convince the wife of deceased Officer Karmakar regarding the
anomalies of the official version of the murder. But now she is completely
opposite to her earlier tolerant views.
Next scene opens after 10 years. Lot has changed in the
socio-political scenario of the country. All influential accused of the bomb
blast case are acquitted by the new investigating team. TV anchors are behaving
differently. Hatred is flooding the social media content. Intolerance is now
order of the day. Once a martyr, a national hero, officer Karmakar is now
criticised in different forums for his biased investigation of the bomb blast.
In the midst of all this we found Hari Rakshit is having a
meeting with his fellow colleagues and activists in his Patrika office for
arranging a demonstration against killing and nationwide detention without
trial of eminent intellectuals and activists. We come to know that Hari Rakshit
left TV owing to differences with editor in chief Pranab and joined his
father’s Patrika as editor. He started his investigative journalism on murder
of Officer Kamakar with active support from wife of deceased officer and authored
a book on the very subject. He went to the house of deceased officer Karmar to
hand over the book to his wife and tried to pursue her to be present in the
demonstration. She was still hesitant to commit. When Rakshit was leaving two
youth came riding on a motorcycle and fired. He died instantaneously in the
footsteps of Karmakar’s House. Karmakar’s wife remain horror-struck.
The city erupted with protest from students, youths and
activists. Karmakar’s wife, coming out of her stupor, joined with other
activists. Demonstration took place on podiums lit with candles and youths
dancing on the beats of dhamsa, madol, guitar and songs of tolerance.
This is our new barricade with the hope to obstruct the
progress of hatred and intolerance, to bring back love and harmony.
Play: Hara Bhattacharjee
Direction: Kamalesh Chakraborty